Love never dies
Being a Psychic Medium in Bristol is for me a vocation and one that I take very seriously and thoroughly enjoy.
I meet a wide variety of peope from all walks of life in my work and help them to connect with those close whom have passed, I also help my clients to find some clarity and peace in their own lives with whatever issues they may be struggling with at the time they seek my services.
I feel honoured to have been witness to the immense love that continues to flow between the living and the passed.
I always say that ” Love never dies”. We literally discard our bodies like a worn out overcoat at the time of our passing and continue on our journey. There is no end, only transition.

Being a Psychic Medium in Bristol
I have actually been psychic since I can remember so for me it has always been entirely natural to see, sense and hear the world of spirit. My ability has always been with me I did not develop it in this lifetime. I do however believe that this psychic and mediumistic ability has been developed […]

Love Never Dies
Love transcends heals and connects us eternally with our loved ones. Love is the most powerful force in this universe and where there is love there is a never ending flow of energy. Being a psychic medium in Bristol UK is wonderful. I have witnessed so many beautiful connections between the living and the deceased. […]

My early years and the acceptance of my psychic ability
When I was much younger I had some profound experiences in the psychic realms which to me were inexplicable and so difficult to truly comprehend that I was in desperate need of guidance. I sought out a mentor to help me understand what was happening to me. My unlikely mentor appeared in the guise of […]

Psychic abilities
Being psychic is something that I believe is a natural ability we are born with. An innate ability that ultimately ensures the survival of the human race. A primal instinctual awareness of ensuring our safety and those close to us, it is not enough to look behind and see the tiger about to pounce. We […]

Karma has no deadline
How we treat others Karma has no deadline. It is of vital importance that we fully realise how we treat others is going to have repercussions in our own life experience. We simply can’t get away with being abusive or unkind to people, it will eventually catch up with us. We will ourselves experience the […]

Life is a beautiful adventure
Never forget to enjoy your journey

Healing Sessions in Bristol
I have a special interest through my work in trying to help people understand why things are happening to them. Working as a psychic is incredibly rewarding and I have been fortunate to have met many people whom I have found hugely inspirational in their struggle to find peace after significant suffering. It is my […]

We are all one
Our very survival is completely dependent upon our ability to create harmony and unity on this beautiful planet. Together we stand. Divided we fall. We all have the same basic needs and desire for acknowledgement and respect. We should endeavour not to pass judgement on each other. We must take personal responsibility for our actions. […]

Karmic relationships
There are some people whom we meet in our lives who impact on us greatly. These are usually souls that we have known previously in other lifetimes. Karmic ties are strong and when we once again meet these individuals in our current life we may feel a strong sense of recognition and a sense of […]

Psychic development
Your natural birthright is to be open on a psychic level. Trust your intuition. Listen to your inner voice and be in touch with your gut feeling. Fly high and don’t let anyone clip your wings. Wisdom comes with experience and self awareness. You will ultimately learn to trust in yourself when you come to […]

Psychics and Mediums are sensitive
By virtue we are sensitive. Often highly sensitive. Psychics and Mediums are also referred to as Sensitives. We feel. We sense. We know. It is beautiful and yet can be also at times painful to feel everything so intensely. I have been known to water resident plants whilst sitting in restaurants or cafes if they […]

Being a Medium. Bristol based
There is no greater joy in this world than connecting the living with their loved ones in the spirit world. A Medium is the mortal bridge between these two worlds. Love is the connection always. Love never dies. For myself being a Medium means bearing witness to this incredible love and it has been and […]

Never forget life is beautiful
Never forget life is beautiful.

Our pets are wonderful souls.
Our pets are wonderful and also they are very often souls we have known in other lifetimes.

Mediums are between worlds
Mediums are literally between worlds. They reside here in this earthly realm but are also able to reach beyond this mortal existence into the world of spirit.

Light at the end of the tunnel.
There is always light at the end of the tunnel. Keep looking ahead.

Know yourself
Know thyself.

Clairvoyant ability
Clear seeing.